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FUTURES 2+1 Fin Set HS 2+1 Compound Hayden


  • Size:
  • Finbox: US Box+Futures
  • Content: 2+1

The HS 2+1 fin is highly unique and versatile, and was designed specifically for use with the Haydenshapes Plunder model. The Plunder can be ridden as a single fin using only the HS 2+1 center, giving you a flowing feel with plenty of pivot around the fin during turns. To create a little extra speed, a 2+1 setup can be arranged, giving the board a blend of the thruster feel with the traditional single fin setup.


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Rozmiar fina Waga ridera (kg) Waga ridera (lbs)
XS 34-53 75-115
S 48-70 105-155
M 65-88 145-195
L 80 180
Ostatnio oglądane produkty
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