Twój koszyk jest pusty
Dostępny na magazynie
  • Made in TEC technology - best balance of lightweight versus durability
  • Carbon filament stringer and UD carbon strip on the base makes board super springy and responsive
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TORQ Surfboard TEC RVR River Surf

Gain speed fast, whip tight turns

Sizes: 5'4 | 5'6

The RVR is a specialist board, specifically designed for rivers and standing waves. We worked with surfers at the legendary Eisbach to dial this design.

The design combines two main design features; a large planning area through the middle combined with a super responsive tail.

The centre of the board is wide, with a single concave and full rail. The RVR has the massive lift needed when you’re relying on water flow, and instant acceleration for generating speed in short sections. In the back third the template narrows with the wing behind the front fins, the rail becomes more refined and the bottom concave turns to a slight vee behind the back fin. These features make a very responsive tail, making this board able to turn tight in the pocket. This board will gain speed fast and whip tight pocket turns or launch off a lip.

Our super strong TEC layup has an extra 6oz fibre rail band to handle the extra impacts a river board takes.


TORQ Epoxy Composite offers performance shapes in our state-of-the-art epoxy layup. These boards have the best balance of Lightweight versus Durability. Using our own unique lamination process, we are able to use a very strong fiberglass lay-up of 6oz and 4oz combined in 3 layered deck and 2 layered base (with a 4 layered rail lap) with a high density EPS foam, but still achieve a board weight that matches a lightweight fiberglass lay-up. The result is light but very strong board, with good flex charateristics and as with all TORQ 's excellent value for money.


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    Wyporność (l)Długość (ft)Szerokość (inch)Grubość (inch)Skrzynki statecznikoweFinbox systemFiny w zestawie
    23.95'419 1/8''2 1/8''2Futures
    26.65'619,375''2 1/4''2Futures
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