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FUTURES Thruster Fin Set HS1 Hayden Cox Generation


  • Ride number: 9.1 – Speed generating (springy and responsive)
  • Finbox: Futures
  • Content: 3 fins

The HS1 Generation Series, designed by Hayden Cox of Haydenshapes, is a large sized thruster in the Pivot template category. The Gen Series features a Futures’ V2-Foil for responsiveness, and a unique blend of uni-directional carbon and fiberglass for a more stable flex pattern. Similar feel to Blackstix, but a bit more subtle for those just transitioning onto foiled fins.

Ride number


Using Ride Number is easy, you just have to understand the feelings of Speed Generating and Speed Control. On one end of the Ride Number scale is Speed Generating fins. These fins feel responsive and provide that extra spring most often wanted when the surf is lacking power. On the opposite side is Speed Control. These fins feel solid, engaged, and predictable providing that extra hold usually only needed when the surf is cranking. The middle ground is Balanced, offering a mix of the two extremes for an all around feel. Just remember, when you're pumping - Speed Generating, when the waves are pumping - Speed Control.

Ride number FUTURES



The next level in speed generating fins is here with the all new Generation Series. These fins will provide all the speed you need while maintaining an element of control. Sitting one notch below the Blackstix on our Ride Number scale, all Generation Series fins hold Ride Numbers between 9 to 7, for those of you looking for a bit more stability & drive than Blackstix.


FUTURES Thruster Fin Set HS1 Hayden Cox Generation
- V2 Foil

V2 Foil

Futures V2 foil is the go to for Speed Generating fins. The foil enhances efficient water flow with its uniquely designed curved surfaces. The result is lift through all stages of the turn and buttery fluid rail-to-rail linkage, setting you up for peak performance even if the conditions are lacking push.

FUTURES Thruster Fin Set HS1 Hayden Cox Generation
- Uni-Fiberglass


To control tip flex dynamics, we’ve uniquely oriented multiple layers of uni-directional fiberglass. The uni-fiberglass has more spring than normal bi-directional glass and it is woven with strands of visible poly-fibers that create more strength and control in the fin tip.

FUTURES Thruster Fin Set HS1 Hayden Cox Generation
- Uni-Directional


Uni-directional carbon strips have been placed vertically across the front half of each fin. Acting as spines, this secures the leading edge and concentrates flex to the tip, giving the fin a snappy torsional twist. Additional strength in the right places allow the Generation Series to remain lightweight & strong.

FUTURES Thruster Fin Set HS1 Hayden Cox Generation
- Epoxy Resin

Epoxy Resin

To add one more layer of performance to the Generation Series, we use epoxy resin. Epoxy resin is lighter & more resilient than polyester resin. These features all play a role in making the Generation Series a responsive, speed-generating fin, while retaining an element of control.

FUTURES Thruster Fin Set HS1 Hayden Cox Generation
- Bi-Directional Carbon

Bi-Directional Carbon

Bi-directional 12K carbon panels cover the base on the inside and outside of the fin. This solid base creates drive and leaves the tip free to remain resilient. The combination is lightweight and stable, giving you both speed & power.

FUTURES Thruster Fin Set HS1 Hayden Cox Generation
- Haydenshapes


"When I worked with the Futures Engineering team, we measured flex in a couple different areas of the fin and that was really crucial to having a fin feel so natural under your feet. It's the minute changes in the orientation of the fibers and where the fibers are used in the fin that creates that natural flex pattern and it was really fun to experiment with the guys and come up with a fin design that's going to suit all surfers." - Hayden Cox


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Rozmiar fina Waga ridera (kg) Waga ridera (lbs)
XS 34-53 75-115
S 48-70 105-155
M 65-88 145-195
L 80 180
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