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FUTURES Thruster Fin Set AM2 Al Merrick Honeycomb


  • Ride number: 5.8 – Balanced (all round)
  • Finbox: Futures
  • Content: 3 fins

The AM2 Honeycomb, designed by legendary shaper Al Merrick of Channel Islands Surfboards, is a large size thruster in the Rake template category. Featuring a balanced flex pattern, this fin's wider base provides increased drive through turns, making it ideal for high performance surfing. The center fin is smaller than the side fins for increased maneuverability.

Ride number


Using Ride Number is easy, you just have to understand the feelings of Speed Generating and Speed Control. On one end of the Ride Number scale is Speed Generating fins. These fins feel responsive and provide that extra spring most often wanted when the surf is lacking power. On the opposite side is Speed Control. These fins feel solid, engaged, and predictable providing that extra hold usually only needed when the surf is cranking. The middle ground is Balanced, offering a mix of the two extremes for an all around feel. Just remember, when you're pumping - Speed Generating, when the waves are pumping - Speed Control.

Ride number FUTURES



Honeycomb fins have a lightweight hexagonal core which reduces the weight and maintains the flex properties. These fins are engineered with a medium flex pattern, making them stiffer than Blackstix but more flexible than fiberglass. These fins have a Ride Number range of 4-7 and are great all around fins for any condition.


FUTURES Thruster Fin Set AM2 Al Merrick Honeycomb
- Honeycomb Core

Honeycomb Core

The hexagonal foam core mat in these fins reduces the resin content, making the fin lighter while keeping the fin stiff where it counts. This gives these fins a medium flex pattern making them a great all around performer. From mushy beach breaks to pumping reef points, honeycomb fins are the standard when it comes to upgrade fins.

FUTURES Thruster Fin Set AM2 Al Merrick Honeycomb
- Balanced Performance

Balanced Performance

The medium flex pattern of honeycomb fins makes this fin an all around performer. They have a Ride Number range of 4-7, putting them in the balanced category. Honeycomb is the go to fin for all around surfing. These fins are designed to gain drive down the line, maintain hold in turns, or boost airs in all conditions.


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Rozmiar fina Waga ridera (kg) Waga ridera (lbs)
XS 34-53 75-115
S 48-70 105-155
M 65-88 145-195
L 80 180
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