F4 FOILS Windsurf Freerace Carbon Foil Tuttle 840
F4 Freerace Foil is a high performance foil optimized for speed and stability. The Freerace is designed for all around speed performance on all points of sail compared to the course racing foil which goes upwind and downwind only. The Freerace works best with smaller sails and either race foils boards, compact performance, or slalom foil boards. The Freerace is similar to the slalom PWA foils however oriented towards a broad range of boards and sailing conditions.
The F4 Freerace is for riders who have some experience with foiling and looking for the next generation performance perhaps who aren’t interested in a pure race foil. It’s a foil to race in strong wind, or cruising around passing everyone with huge grins.
F4 Windsurf Freerace Carbon Tuttle mount includes:
- 97 cm high-modulus carbon mast with deep tuttle mount
- 840 cm2 front wing / 90 cm span
- 975 mm fuselage
- 210 cm2 rear stabilizer / 42 cm span
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